yellowish fine powder
100% natrual powder
Banana extract may be brewing alcohol
The heat capacity of 378 joules
Banana juice powder
Latin name: Musa paradisiaca
Product type: juice powder
Bananas are high-calorie fruit pulp per 100 grams, according to analysis of the heat capacity
of 378 joules.
In some tropical areas also as a major food bananas.
1.Banana fruit in addition to fresh fruit consumption can be used for processing, such as
ripe bananas can be made into banana flour, used for making pastry and bread.
3.Fruit fermented liquor or banana extract may be brewing alcohol.
4.Ripe fruit canning can be processed, preserved, banana, juice, and flavorings.
5.Leave the stem and leaf potassium content is high, return to field after shredding increased
soil organic matter and the role of loose soil, but also increased soil potassium.