Geotube dewatering units are geo-synthetic containers,Website:, made from high tensile woven polypropylene. Essentially a Geotube unit is a large dewatering bag. The special fabric of Geotube units allows for the retention of consolidated valuable nutrients and the dispersal of clear effluent. The Geotube technology has proven it’s effectiveness in providing de-watering and filtration for lagoons, municipal sludge, raw septage as well as a host of other industries around the world since 1982.Mechanical PropertiesTest MethodMinimum Average (English)Minimum Average (Metric)Mass/UnitASTM D-52618.0 oz/yd²271 g/m²Grab Tensile Strength(MD x CD)ASTM D-4632240 x 240 Ibs1068 x 1068 NGrab Tensile ElongationASTM D-463270 x 70 %70 x 70 %Trapezoidal TearASTM D-453390 x 90 Ibs400 x 400 NCBR PunctureASTM D-6241630 Ibs2802 NApparent Opening Size(AOS)ASTM D-475180 US Std.Sieve0.18 mmPermittivityASTM D-44911.5 sec-11.5 sec-1Water Flow RateASTM D-449195 gal/min/ft²3870 L/min/m²UV Resistance(% retained after 500 hours)ASTM D-435580 %80 %Advantages of Geotube® dewatering units:- High volume containment- Opportunity to spread project costs over several years- Rapid flow through rate- Drastic reduction in disposal cost- Lower capital cost- Simplicity