Are you a Vegan washout? Did you have to start eating meat again because vegan fare just didn't do it for you? Did all those veggies or meat substitutes just not fill you up? Wheat Roast's unique combination of amino acids, protein, fat and B vitamins gives you a similar energy boost and that full, satisfied feeling in your gut like meat did.
Having a hard time finding Vegan fast food? The down side to eating healthy and vegan is having to do all your own cooking. There are just not a lot of healthy vegan alternatives out there for fast food. Our Wheat Roast products are ready to go…eat right out of the package. The Wheat Roast is like cold cuts or cheese in that it can be carried around all day without spoiling in a lunch time sandwich or break time snacks.
Are you looking for something to replace meat in your heart healthy family meals? Wheat Roast will work in all your favorite recipes. Sliced, cubed, ground, baked, sautéed, fried or boiled it out performs all other meat substitutes while providing taste and texture satisfaction for your skeptical family members.
Has your doctor forced you to watch your fat, sodium and cholesterol intake … thereby eliminating most of the foods you like to eat? Well, we feel your pain…but Wheat Roast can help. Many of our taste testers refused to believe that our products contained no meat. Even the most conservative meat eater will appreciate the qualities of our Wheat Roast products…plus they are low fat, low sodium and cholesterol free!