ANCO Waste Water technologies team has one of the widest range of processes and equipment for the treatment of industrial waste water.
With our wide range of experienced engineers, we are not limited by the scope of supply, which allows us concentrate on finding the most optimal and cost effective system for your situation, something that requires thorough knowledge of the waste water industry and the latest equipment technology available for each specific situation.
Industries Served:
- Rendering Industry: Rendering Plants, Slaughter Houses, Pet Food Manufacturers
- Food and Dairy Industry: Bakeries, Poultry, Fish, Beef, and Pork Processors, Cheese, Ice Cream, Sauces, Potato Processors, Snack Foods, Vegetables, Frozen Foods, Yogurts, plus many more…
- Beverage Industry: Soft Drinks, Wine, Breweries, Juices, Milk/Dairy
- Other Industries: Commercial Laundry, Municipal Waste, Concrete, Fertilizer, Natural Stone, Paint, Processing, Petrochemicals, Pulp & Paper, Tanneries, Textile, Soap Detergents
- Rotary Drum Screens
- Curved screens
- Rake screens (Petrochemical Industry)
Water Treatment:
- Fat Skimmers
- Pipe flocculators
- Flotation Systems (Compact Design)
- Flotation Systems (Large Capacity Design)
- Sand Separators
- Biological treatment
- Sedimentation systems
- Oxycon SBR Systems
Oil, Water and Sludge Separation Systems:
Dewatering Presses:
- 1270 Dewatering Press
- 1271 Paunch Dewatering Press
Contact an ANCO-EAGLIN Engineer to talk about your application.