In that group we recommend the highest quality fish under technological processes of pickling and adding fresh vegetables, spices and aromas. A whole makes unrepeatable composition of taste and aroma. As a supplement we offer salt cured fish called semi-finished products, used for quick preparation of light and tasty dishes according to consumer's innovation.
Salted HG Herring
packing: 1 kg mtv., 4 kgs, 8 kgs
Salted Herring fillets a' la matjes
packing: 0.4 kg, 0,5 kg mtv., 0,7 kg, 1 l., 3 kgs, 4 kg, 8 kgs, 15 kgs
Marinated herring klaps
packing: 0,4 kg, 0,5 kg, 0,7 kg, 3 kgs, 4 kgs
Home-made Herring fillets
packing: 500 g., 3 kgs